
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Detoxification For Uterine Fibroids

Methods to cure uterine fibroids naturally vary. While some may work for you, some will be ineffective because our bodies and what caused the uterine fibroids to develop in the first place or produce painful symptoms vary from one woman to another. Could detoxification for uterine fibroids help to heal your body of fibroid tumors naturally?

Toxins and Fibroids

Why uterine fibroids develop in the first place remains unknown despite the various identified risk factors that can increase your chances of developing these fibroid tumors. One of these risk factors that many in the medical field believe increases the risk of developing fibroid tumors as well as the worsening of the symptoms of uterine fibroids is the female sex hormone estrogen. An estrogen dominant state is usually considered detrimental to gynecological health and is usually blamed for many other conditions besides fibroids such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PMS, uterine polyps, etc.

When considering detoxification for uterine fibroids, it is important to understand toxins first. Various toxins that enter and live in our bodies for long periods of time can cause many health problems. As it relates to uterine fibroids, these toxins act as a (fake) type of estrogen – xenoestrogens - which usually attach themselves very strongly to estrogen receptors. After attaching themselves to these estrogen receptors, these xenoestrogens or false estrogens (toxins) can last a long time in your body while wrecking havoc on your health as well as your hormones and increasing the chance of developing an estrogen dominant state that can prevent gynecological health in addition to overall health and wellbeing.

These toxins usually increase the risk of developing various conditions that are hormone dependent that were previously mentioned as well as many other female issues including fibroid tumors.

Where Do They Come From?

Toxins enter the body in the form of;
  • Chemical toxins from fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides.
  • Various toxic household cleaners.
  • The fluoride contained in tap water.
  • The chlorine used in swimming pools.
  • The chemicals that are contained in food coloring, herbicides, etc.
  • Toxicity in heavy metals commonly used in and around the home  such as aluminum.
  • Mercury and lead.
  • Etc.

From the above, you can see that there are practically toxins everywhere which may make it seem that avoiding toxins is impossible. Not so. It simply means that you need to be more aware and make better choices in the foods you eat, cleaning supplies, drinking water, etc. Use water filters, choose natural and organic household cleaners, etc. There are also anti-heavy metal supplements that you can take that can help to fight against the toxic effects of heavy metals such as aluminum. These supplements include magnesium, silica, vitamin C, etc.

Since most of us do not enjoy a state of optimum health, the various organs in the body that eliminate waste and toxins such as the liver, colon, etc, cannot function at their fullest potential which means that most of us are walking around with waste and toxin build-up from weeks, months and even years ago. This is a recipe for disaster which is why many of us are walking around exhibiting many symptoms of ill health but do not know why. It is probably because of all these toxins in the body.

Detoxification is very necessary to eliminate this longstanding waste and toxins from the body which are contributing to ill health. Eliminating these toxins and waste products will not only help to boost the immune system in order for it to be better equipped to fight off sickness and disease but it will also allow the body’s elimination organs to function at their fullest potential.

There are various ways to detoxify the body if you are considering detoxification for uterine fibroids such as fasting, juicing, etc. The Master Cleanse however, is a popular method that has been used by many for years as it has been found to be very effective for not only eliminating longstanding toxins and waste from the body, but also leading to weight loss as well as improved overall health and wellbeing, which is necessary to eliminate uterine fibroids.

The Master Cleanse is not an easy program to start and complete especially if you have never done a cleanse or detoxification before so you need all the tools and guidance to make it through the 7 to 10 days of this detoxification. Click here for the necessary help and guidance you need on the Master Cleanse to help you with detoxification for uterine fibroids so you can achieve the results you seek of improving your health and getting rid of fibroid tumors naturally (and losing weight fast!)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Benefit Of Kegel Exercises On Uterine Fibroids

Exercise is one of the little used aspects of fibroid natural treatment that is very important. Even when you are dealing with the painful symptoms of uterine fibroids, you will be surprised by how a simple walk around the block can help you feel better. This article evaluates the benefit of kegel exercise on uterine fibroids.

What are Kegel Exercises?

Kegel exercises are basically using the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) which is found in the area between the vagina and anal opening. Strengthening and toning this muscle is believed to improve gynecological health and wellbeing which may help you cure and prevent fibroids naturally.

The Kegel exercises seek to improve circulation, tone the organs in the pelvis and balance hormone levels which is important to stop fibroids.

When performed regularly, Kegel exercises are very effective for toning the pelvic muscles and eliminating and preventing toxins from accumulating in this pelvic area which also helps to prevent fibroid development.

How to Perform Kegel Exercises

There are various ways to perform Kegel exercises. The basic way is to contract and release the PC muscle repeatedly. To determine what the PC muscle is that you need to contract, practice stopping and starting the flow of your urine. This is the muscle that you need to focus on during kegeling. Another way to determine which muscle this is is by placing two fingers inside your vagina and then bringing the two fingers together by squeezing shut your vaginal muscles.

Benefit of Kegel Exercise on Uterine Fibroids

Many of the benefits of kegeling have been discussed previously and if you have fibroids, you will definitely need to incorporate this exercise into your fibroid natural treatment regimen.

Kegeling will allow the PC muscle to become more toned and healthier and cause a richer blood supply to flow in the pelvic area. A richer blood flow means more nutrients reaching this area and less congestion and toxin buildup.

The bladder will also become stronger preventing incontinence. One of the uterine fibroids symptoms is the need for frequent urination and stronger bladder muscles will definitely help with this symptom.

All this means that your gynecological health will improve which results in curing fibroids naturally and reducing the risk of fibroid tumors developing.

When to Perform Kegel Exercises

Anywhere and anytime. No one will even know that you are kegeling. You can be seated at your desk at work, in your car at a stop sign, while bathing, while watching TV, at the movies, while waiting in line at the grocery store, etc. The question should be when can you not kegel?

The benefit of Kegel exercise on uterine fibroids is self evident so go ahead and start kegeling especially if you have fibroids. For more on the holistic approach to curing uterine fibroids, click here.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tips On How To Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Dealing with fibroids especially symptomatic uterine fibroids is no way to live a robust life. Is the pain, discomfort, heavy bleeding, and many other symptoms of uterine fibroids robbing you of a full and vibrant life? Well no more. Here are some tips on how to shrink fibroids naturally and prevent the recurrence of uterine fibroids. You can turn to conventional medicine but the surgeries, hormone therapy, medication, etc, will not get rid of fibroid tumors permanently. They are only a temporary fix.

How to Shrink Fibroids Naturally

1. Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

The first step to natural fibroid treatment is to align your mind, body and spirit. Creating and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing in these areas will promote healing and prevent fibroid development as well as many other diseases and conditions from arising in your body.

Are you dealing with negative thoughts, chronic stress, harbor unforgiveness, etc? All these and so many other negative issues going on in your mind and spirit can negatively impact your body and prevent healing. They can also actually increase your risk of developing various diseases and conditions including uterine fibroids. Unresolved emotional issues will hinder your quest to be free of fibroids.

2. Diet

Fibroid natural treatment requires that you start eating the various foods that will promote health and wellbeing which will help to defeat fibroid tumors naturally. Examining your diet also includes avoiding foods that contribute to fibroid development as well as the worsening of the various symptoms of uterine fibroids.

3. Supplements

There are various vitamins and minerals that can help to cure fibroids naturally. You need to know what these are if you are looking for tips on how to shrink fibroids naturally.

4. Exercise

Exercise is an important step for fibroid natural treatment. Exercise can help to create a healthy mind and body which is conducive for shrinking fibroids and preventing the recurrence of fibroid tumors.

5. Herbs

There are various herbs that can be used to shrink fibroids, alleviate symptoms and prevent an estrogen dominant state in the body from taking over and worsening fibroid tumors.

6. Alternative Healing

There are various forms of alternative medicine that can help to cure fibroids naturally such as Ayurveda, naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, etc.

For more on how to shrink fibroids naturally and prevent fibroid recurrence using natural methods only, the Fibroids Miracle guide is what you need for step by step guidance on the above natural methods and many more for your unique fibroid situation. Click here for a review of this holistic guide.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 Best Herbs To Take To Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat many diseases and conditions and promote general health and wellbeing so it comes as no surprise that there are many that are recommended for the natural treatment of fibroids. Herbs are less taxing on the body than using pharmaceuticals but they are still considered some type of medication so caution should be exercised.  You should always seek guidance from a knowledgeable health care practitioner especially when using a combination of herbs to shrink the fibroid tumors. With that in mind, here are the 3 best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally.

Best Herbs To Shrink Fibroids

1. Chaste berry also known as vitex, chaste tea berry, etc

This is one of the best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally. It is also probably the most commonly used but it usually works the best when the fibroid tumors are small in size. If you have very large fibroids, the herb may be ineffective which is why you should not wait before you start treating uterine fibroids even when there are no symptoms or other issues.
If you have subserous or intramural fibroids, chaste berry works best.
  • Subserous (subserosal) fibroid tumors are probably the most common type of uterine fibroids and are found on the outside of the uterus. These are the tumors that usually lead to an increase in the size of the uterus causing you to look pregnant. As they grow bigger, they can press upon the rectum and bladder causing constipation or problems urinating.
  • Intramural fibroid tumors are those that grow within the muscular walls of the uterus. These tumors can cause heavy bleeding if they are large in size as well as press upon the bladder and rectum like subserosal tumors. This all depends upon their location. They can also make look like your pregnant if they are large in size.
This herb works by helping to increase the levels of progesterone so that balance can be restored between estrogen and progesterone in the body and prevent an estrogen dominant state that is believed to speed up the growth of fibroids and increase symptoms. Chaste berry also has a very relaxing and calming effect on the body and emotion which also helps to control fibroid growth and the symptoms as opposed to being in a state of chronic stress and anxiety.
It is important to remember that while some research has shown that this herb is able to shrink tumors, other research has also shown that chasteberry can cause uterine cells to divide and is ineffective when birth control is used. Since it is impossible to tell how your body will react when you use herbs or any other treatment method, it is important to monitor your reaction  and symptoms when you start using herbs.

2. Maitake Mushroom D fraction

This herb has been shown to halt the growth of cells that occurs through cell division including fibroid cells and cancer cells which is why it is also one of the top 3 best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally.

3. Echinacea

Another popular herb is Echinacea that is used for various diseases and conditions and is also one of the best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally. You can take it alone but it is especially effective when used along with red root (caeno thus) and fraxinus (white ash). These herbs also help to detoxify the body of disease causing toxins. They also decrease cell growth while increasing cell metabolism, support the functions of the liver and decrease pelvic congestion.
When using herbs, be sure that you get them from a reputable seller and that they are organically cultivated. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. When properly used, herbs can be quite safe and effective against a myriad of issues.

While these are the top 3 herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally, there are many other herbs to shrink fibroids that can also be used. It is important to talk to your doctor first before using herbal medication especially if you are taking other medication, are pregnant or breast feeding. If symptoms persist for more than two weeks or worsen, consult a health care professional. For more on uterine fibroid natural treatment methods that have worked for many women with fibroids the Fibroids Miracle guide is what you need.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cure Fibroids Naturally With Fruits And Vegetables

There are many methods to deal with the problem of uterine fibroids. For many women with fibroids, instead of looking towards medications, hormone therapy, various surgical procedures, etc, they are turning to natural methods of which there are many to choose from that can be effective. In this article, we look at how to cure fibroids naturally with fruits and vegetables.

Food for Health

There are many different types of foods to eat and avoid when treating fibroids naturally and it is important to keep these in mind and know what they are when taking the natural route in treating uterine fibroids. There are various diets that may work for different people but it is always important to seek guidance from your doctor before starting any new diet to ensure safety.

As a general rule, a fibroid healing and hormone balancing diet should be low in animal fat, high in fiber, nutrient rich and mainly vegetarian.

Vegetables for Uterus Health

While a vegetarian diet is ideal, if this is something that you cannot handle, adding small amounts of cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut, sardines, etc, may work for non vegetarians as these various types of cold-water fish help to promote health and contain an abundance of healthy fats that the body needs.

A study in Italy that sought to determine whether there is a link between uterine fibroids and diet found that certain foods i.e. vegetables, fruits and cold-water fish can decrease the risk of developing fibroid tumors and can also help to heal current tumors. Of these food groups, vegetables were deemed to be the most health promoting. It is interesting that the most health promoting food is the least consumed in the Western diet.

Vegetables contain a multitude of vitamins, minerals and various other natural nutrients that can play a role in being able to control or prevent fibroids as well as help alleviate uterine fibroids symptoms. When attempting to cure fibroids naturally with vegetables, it is important to have variety in the vegetables consumed. In addition to various green leafy vegetables, get yellow and red vegetables.

Dark green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, arugula, etc, contain Indole-3 Cabonol which is a chemical that prevents the development of estrogen responsive cells as well as diminishing the strength of certain types of estrogen.

Estrogen though not the cause of fibroids, is thought to be what fibroids feed upon in order to grow and produce symptoms so you do not want to have an estrogen dominant state in the uterus and using vegetables for uterus health will help to balance hormones in this area as well as the rest of the body.

Vegetables that are yellow, orange and gold such as carrots, butternut squash, etc, contain beta-carotenes which help to prevent cell damaging and altering free radicals. The substance that makes these various vegetables these different colors besides green is what can help to promote uterus health and hormone balance. Beta-carotenes are also contained in dark leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, etc.

Vegetables are definitely important for uterus health which is tied to the risk of fibroid development as well as general health and wellbeing.

Fruits for Health

Another important aspect of a diet to cure fibroids naturally is fruit. Fruits much like vegetables contain an abundance od vitamins and minerals to help heal the body while giving it the nutrition it needs.

One thing to keep in mind when consuming fruits for health and healing especially for fibroids is to keep sugar rich fruits like grapes and so forth to a minimum. Sugar can help raise estrogen levels which you definitely do not want so it is important to limit sugar consumption in any diet including sugars from natural sources like fruit.

When attempting to cure fibroids naturally with fruits and vegetables, ensure that you consume more quantities of vegetables than fruit because of the sugar  content found in many fruits. The daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables is 5 to 7 servings which may seem like a monumental task for most people.

Juice Therapy for Fibroids

One of the best ways to get the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables is through juicing. For instance, it sounds much easier to drink a six ounce glass of fresh carrot juice than to eat the seven or eight carrots a day that you would need to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs for that day.

Juicing also makes it easier for your body to absorb vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables than eating the actual fruits and vegetables. Juicing is an excellent way to rid the body of disease causing toxins, boost the immune system ad help treat and prevent various diseases and conditions including uterine fibroids.

While juicing is excellent, you need to be aware that the fiber contained in many fruits and vegetables will be reduced when you juice fruits and vegetables and since fiber is very necessary, you will need to obtain it from other sources or to get it from fruits and vegetables by blending them. Blending unlike juicing or even eating the actual fruits and vegetables, allows you to use the entire parts of the fruits and vegetables including parts that you may ordinarily discard before eating them.

This makes it important if you want to cure fibroids naturally with fruits and vegetables to get a good juicer and/or blender. Having both is ideal. Unless of course you can manage to eat the actual five to six servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Attempting to cure fibroids naturally with fruits and vegetables is just one aspect of curing uterine fibroids naturally. For an in depth and complete step by step guide on curing and preventing fibroid tumors naturally, click here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Fibroids Miracle" By Amanda Leto Book Review

The hysterectomy is the #2 most common surgery performed on women each year (C-section is #1).

Women with fibroids are one of the common reasons that women have a hysterectomy.

If the surgeries performed, research has shown that only about 10 percent of women actually needed the surgery! (Because of cancer risks, excessive bleeding becoming life threatening and complications during pregnancy and delivery)

This means that as many as 90 percent of women now have no uterus unnecessarily when other treatment methods may have been more effective. In addition, their ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, etc, may have also been removed at the same time that they had their hysterectomy.

Sure, these women may no longer have an issue with uterine fibroids since they no longer have a uterus but at what cost? The cost of no longer having children? This procedure possibly triggering early menopause? The devastating psychological effects of no longer having these female organs? Not to mention the financial cost and the many other side effects of having this procedure.

Unfortunately many women are not aware of alternatives that may work better to get rid of uterine fibroids and when they start complaining about the symptoms of uterine fibroids, sometimes their doctor will even straight away recommend a hysterectomy without suggesting other alternatives.

If this occurs during your consultation with your doctor, do not accept this recommendation without looking into alternatives first unless you fall within the 10 percent of women who may need a hysterectomy.

While a hysterectomy can provide a permanent solution to the problem of fibroids, its effects can be devastating. in addition, other conventional treatments only provide a temporary solution to fibroid tumors such as a myomectomy, hormone therapy, UAE, medications, etc. These other treatment methods only seek to eliminate the problem and not the ROOT cause so these tumors may reappear again and again and it can be tiring to have to deal with the same issue again and again.

Is there another solution that will get rid of fibroids permanently?



Eliminating fibroids using the holistic approach is the only way to get rid of fibroids for good. The holistic approach seeks to not only deal with the symptoms of uterine fibroids but to get to the root of the problem in order to eliminate it permanently. Targeting the root cause is the only way to fix the problem in your body that is making it susceptible to uterine fibroids development and the development of uterine fibroids symptoms.

What Do I Need To Get Rid Of Fibroids Naturally?

The most popular guide for fibroid natural treatment is Fibroids Miracle which is a drug free holistic system for eliminating uterine fibroids permanently while using natural methods only.

Fibroids Miracle is the bestselling uterine fibroids natural treatment method on the internet with thousands of very satisfied and now cured women around the world in places such as the USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, Spain, Trinidad and Tabago, Ghana, Brunei, Botswana, Ireland, South Africa, etc.


Because it is a fibroids cure program. Not a fibroids relief program. Far too many programs or solutions for fibroid tumors only offer relief for uterine fibroids and not a cure which means that there is always a chance of recurrence of these tumors. Fibroids Miracle empowers you with all the information you will ever need about fibroids and how to cure and prevent them naturally.

This fibroids cure resource provides a way to not only get rid of the symptoms but most importantly, it will get to the ROOT of the problem in order to cure this condition permanently using natural methods only. There are no recommendations for surgeries, prescription medications, etc.

Additional Benefit of Using Fibroids Miracle Cure

Fibroids Miracle is not only targeted for women with fibroid tumors but can also work for women without fibroid tumors. This is a total and complete health rejuvenation program that will help with many other health conditions. As a natural and holistic approach, dealing with one problem affecting one part of the body, is guaranteed to help another aspect of the body. The body is made up of different parts that work together.

Fibroids Miracle Development

This guide is a clinically proven and scientifically accurate step by step natural method developed by Amanda Leto who is a certified nutritionist, health consultant and author. Amanda Leto suffered for many years with fibroids and is now a former fibroids sufferer thanks to the natural techniques she used that are included in this guide which have also helped many women become fibroids free. Will you be the next happy client of hers?

Fibroids Miracle Cure vs. Conventional Treatments

Fibroids Miracle
Conventional Treatment Approaches
1. Follows the holistic approach which sees the body as a whole and a problem in one area is believed to affect the entire body so treatment should focus on not just the symptoms but the entire body. Following this approach helps to get to the root cause. Conventional methods only focus on the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Treatment is only targeted to the fibroids and only the fibroids.
2. This approach usually takes time and is not a magic pill. Time and effort is required to get the full benefits of this approach.

However, when you use the Fibroids Miracle guide, you should start experiencing relief from the symptoms of fibroids within 12 hours by following this holistic 3 step program and you should expect to cure fibroids within 2 months of implementing this program.
The results of surgery are usually immediate although there may be a recovery period.
3. The holistic approach believes that the body can heal itself when the right tools and resources are provided to it. Only attempts to eliminate the issue or problem.
4. This natural approach is ongoing. Permanent results from this approach require making a lifestyle change that you continue with for the rest of your life.

Returning to your previous behaviors that caused the problem will ensure the return of the problems. Why would you want to return to your previous self-defeating behaviors anyway once you learn that there is a better way to live?
Usually only requires the performance of one procedure such as a hysterectomy, hormone therapy, myomectomy, UAE, etc. There may be some checkup visits required in the future.
5. Usually there are no side effects when you implement the holistic approach. There may be serious side effects during and after the procedures.
6. The remedies usually recommended are usually individualized for your particular circumstances. Usually follow a “one size fits all” treatment approach.
7. Treatments usually occurs in the comfort of your home which enables you to create a relaxing and calm environment that is conducive to the promotion of health and wellbeing. Consultations and the procedures usually occur in a sterile and cold environment that is frequently rushed.
8. The holistic approach followed in Fibroids Miracle will empower you to take the reins and be responsible for your own health and wellbeing by equipping you with the tools and resources you need to create a treatment regimen that will work for you. Someone else usually thinks that they know more about what works better for you than you do which may cause you to feel helpless and powerless and at the mercy of someone else’s knowledge (whether limited or not) and skills.
9. When you discover what will work for you using this guide and follow through with the regimen, you will be able to get rid of uterine fibroids not only naturally but also permanently. Uterine fibroids may return again and again (except with a hysterectomy) and this will mean that you may need to have the same procedures again and again which can be exhausting and demoralizing.
10. Fibroids Miracle costs $69.99 $37.00 for a limited time only! Surgery costs between $10,000.00 and $25,000.00 but can cost more depending on the procedure. As you can see surgery is big business!

The choice is yours on what treatment approach you think will work for you.

If you prefer conventional treatment methods then I hope they work for you and wish you good luck.

If on the other hand you want to eliminate uterine fibroids naturally and permanently and want to discover and implement natural methods,


We all love free things and Amanda Leto does not disappoint. When you download this Fibroids Miracle Cure PDF ebook, you shall receive FREE the following;
  • One on one consultation with Amanda Leto at no extra cost to you. This is such as great offer because while reading the book and implementing the plan, you may have questions which is only normal. Instead of having nowhere to turn to as with many other resources, email support is provided with the purchase of this guide for the first 3 months after purchase. (This is such as great bonus)
  • Uterine Fibroids 14-Day Meal Plan & Recipes
  • From PMS to PPD: Understanding the Phases of The Female Body
  • The Ultimate Guide to Relaxation
  • Secrets To Sleeping Soundly
  • Free Lifetime Updates
These bonuses alone are worth more than $360 but are all yours at no extra cost when you purchase the Fibroids Miracle guide.

Why Would You Consider Fibroids Miracle?

This guide and the treatment methods discussed are all safe and will be of great benefit to you. If you are in doubt, you can also discuss the contents of this book with your doctor. You can even use this book together with any conventional treatment methods you may currently be using as the treatment methods included in this book will not interfere with any other treatment methods. This book will give you a safe plan of action to get healthy and rid yourself of uterine fibroids.

Fibroids Miracle will empower you to take your health in your own hands with easy to follow strategies that will allow you to break free from being tormented by uterine fibroids day after day, month after month and year after year.

With Fibroids Miracle, you can learn and educate yourself about how to heal yourself using natural methods and how to live in incredible health and vitality.

>>>Click here to take control of your health<<<

Do you want to join the thousands of women who have been able to use the uterine fibroid natural treatment methods set forth in Fibroids Miracle and are now fibroids free?

>>>If yes, click here<<<

 (and get the FREE bonuses worth over $360 and a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Castor Oil Packs For Fibroids

For more discussion on the benefits of castor oil packs for fibroids click here.
As mentioned in the linked post, castor oil packs were popularized by the psychic healer Edgar Cayce to treat many ailments besides fibroids such as many other tumors, cancer, arthritis, liver ailments, multiple sclerosis, appendicitis and other intestinal issues, cerebral palsy, cramps, epilepsy, etc.
Using castor oil packs is definitely an economical way to get rid of fibroids.
Do exercise caution and do talk to a medical practitioner because as with any kind of treatment, while it may work for one and not cause any issues, it may not work for you.
Also perform a patch test to ensure that you are not allergic or that castor oil does not cause any other skin irritations for you.

How To Use Castor Oil Packs for Fibroids

  1. You need high quality castor oil (organic and cold pressed) which is obtained from the castor seed (Ricinus communis) through the process of cold pressing to ensure that there are no contaminants such as pesticides or other toxic agents. It is even better if the labeling indicates that organically grown seeds were used.
  2. You will also need an unbleached piece of flannel cloth that when folded 3 times can adequately cover the stomach and liver areas. Or alternatively you can get 3 separate large flannel pieces that you can combine to use in the pack.
  3. A heating pad or hot water bottle. The heat is thought to allow better absorption of the oil through the skin.
  4. Plastic wrap.
  5. Old towel or towels

Application of Castor Oil Packs For Fibroids

  1. Saturate the 3 layers of the flannel cloth with castor oil. Ensure that the flannel is saturated but not dripping with oil.
  2. Lie flat on your back and elevate you feet. This can be done by simply placing some pillows underneath your knees and feet.
  3. Place the soaked flannel cloth on your abdomen.
  4. Cover with the plastic wrap.
  5. Place the heating pack or hot water bottle on top of the plastic wrap.
  6. Cover with the old towel to insulate the heat.
  7. Use the pack for 45 to 60 minutes


  1. This entire process can be messy as the castor oil is very thick so you may need additional old towels and T-shirts to place underneath you. Castor oil can stain so keep the items used separate from your other good clothing and belongings.
  2. Start off using the pack for four consecutive days per week and resting for the rest of the week and increase if desired.
  3. The science behind using castor oil is little to none so there is no guidance on how long you should use castor oil packs. However, you should probably be able to tell within two to four weeks whether you are getting any benefits or not and then continue or discontinue use.
  4. If you are trying to conceive, do not use castor oil packs as the heat applied is not ideal when trying to get pregnant.
  5. Avoid use during menstruation.

To Store Used Castor Oil Packs

After use, keep the castor oil pack in a tightly sealed Ziploc bag and keep beside your bed, in a cupboard, etc. To reuse, simply remove from the Ziploc bag and dip in additional castor oil if necessary and reapply. Throw away the pack when it starts to change color.
Castor oil packs for fibroids are definitely something to consider if looking for a natural treatment of fibroids. There are many other natural remedies for fibroids many of which are contained in the e-book on the right.

If you do try a castor oil pack, please report back on your results (or lack of results!) in the comment section below.


Natural Treatment Of Fibroids Using Castor Oil Packs

Growing on the uterine walls or out from the uterus, uterine fibroids are usually non cancerous growths that comprise of smooth muscle fibers and connective tissues. While there are many treatment options for these growths, natural treatment of fibroids has been found to be effective and one of the ways to get rid of fibroids naturally is through the use of castor oil packs.

Uterine Fibroid Symptoms

These benign growths on the uterus can produce symptoms and there are also circumstances when symptoms are not evident and they are usually discovered during routine cervical exams.
When symptoms are produced, they usually include lower abdominal pain, pain during the monthly menstrual cycle and heavy menstrual cycles that last longer than the usual. Fibroid tumors grow very slowly and can vary in size and shape. When they become quite large, they can press upon the intestines as well as the bladder leading to constipation or the need to urinate frequently. For very advanced tumors another of the symptoms of uterine fibroids is that the stomach will appear larger.


For less severe fibroids, doctors simply monitor whether there is a change in size or properties of the tumors. If the fibroids remain unchanged, remain small and if they produce no symptoms, then nothing is usually done besides regular monitoring.
If however, the fibroids continue to increase in size and cause symptoms, medical intervention may be necessary. The two most commonly recommended surgeries are the myomectomy when only the tumor(s) is(are) removed or a hysterectomy in which case the entire uterus is removed making it impossible for any fibroids to ever grow again. No uterus means no fibroids.
With a myomectomy, there is always a chance of fibroids growing again although the woman will still remain reproductive. With a hysterectomy, pregnancy is no longer possible as no uterus will exist in the body after surgery.

Natural Treatment of Fibroids

Leaving fibroids alone may work for some women especially without the presence of any symptoms but even this position will lead to problems later especially if you wish to become pregnant. While the causes of fibroid tumors remain unknown, it is thought that the presence of the female hormone estrogen  is to blame which is why fibroids usually recede when menopause rolls around when estrogen production decreases.
The female reproductive years means the estrogen production is at its height and when you get pregnant and as the baby grows, you will find that even dormant fibroids will begin to increase in size which can cause complications and even require surgery which is why it is important to seek treatment for all fibroids and natural remedies for fibroids may help.
Treating fibroids naturally is also a great alternative to surgery due to surgery being expensive and also having various unpleasant side effects.
One of the most common natural treatments of fibroids is through the use of castor oil packs.

Castor Oil

The use of castor oil to treat various ailments besides constipation or to induce labor that most people know about goes back many centuries. The science behind the health benefits of castor oil is very little requiring caution to be used if you do decide to use castor oil to treat fibroids or other ailments.
The use of castor oil as a natural remedy dates back centuries and there are many glowing reports from the use of castor oil to treat various conditions. Castor oil has various anti-viral, anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal properties that help with the treatment of various conditions, in order to reduce pain as well as to stimulate the immune system.
Stimulating the immune system is the part that is important for fibroid tumor treatment through the characteristic of pure castor oil. 90% of the fatty acids found in castor oil are made up of ricinoleic acid which is thought to be the reason behind castor oil’s healing properties.
Castor oil supports the immune system when it is applied topically and not ingested as you would do with constipation or to induce labor.
The external application of castor oil allowing the oil to be absorbed through the skin gave rise to castor oil packs that were popularized by the natural healing guru Edgar Cayce who died in the 1940s. Castor oil packs are thought to improve the thymus gland in addition to other areas of the immune system.
A few studies using castor oil packs have shown that castor oil packs applied to the abdomen cause significant increase in lymphocyte production. Lymphocytes found in the lymphatic tissue are disease fighting cells and when these cells are increased, they drive out more of the toxins that lead to sickness and disease in the body such as fibroid tumors.
Castor oil as a natural remedy can be applied topically any number of ways such as simply rubbing the oil on the affected area. However, castor oil packs are the ones for which most people looking for natural remedies give the most positive feedback for.
A castor oil pack features a flannel cloth soaked in pure castor oil and applied to the stomach area for a period of time with a heating pad allowing the healing properties of the castor oil to be absorbed through the skin.
Natural treatment of fibroids almost always leads to the use of castor oil packs. For step by step guidance on using a castor oil pack as well as tips on finding the right castor oil, see the previous post.