
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Benefit Of Kegel Exercises On Uterine Fibroids

Exercise is one of the little used aspects of fibroid natural treatment that is very important. Even when you are dealing with the painful symptoms of uterine fibroids, you will be surprised by how a simple walk around the block can help you feel better. This article evaluates the benefit of kegel exercise on uterine fibroids.

What are Kegel Exercises?

Kegel exercises are basically using the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) which is found in the area between the vagina and anal opening. Strengthening and toning this muscle is believed to improve gynecological health and wellbeing which may help you cure and prevent fibroids naturally.

The Kegel exercises seek to improve circulation, tone the organs in the pelvis and balance hormone levels which is important to stop fibroids.

When performed regularly, Kegel exercises are very effective for toning the pelvic muscles and eliminating and preventing toxins from accumulating in this pelvic area which also helps to prevent fibroid development.

How to Perform Kegel Exercises

There are various ways to perform Kegel exercises. The basic way is to contract and release the PC muscle repeatedly. To determine what the PC muscle is that you need to contract, practice stopping and starting the flow of your urine. This is the muscle that you need to focus on during kegeling. Another way to determine which muscle this is is by placing two fingers inside your vagina and then bringing the two fingers together by squeezing shut your vaginal muscles.

Benefit of Kegel Exercise on Uterine Fibroids

Many of the benefits of kegeling have been discussed previously and if you have fibroids, you will definitely need to incorporate this exercise into your fibroid natural treatment regimen.

Kegeling will allow the PC muscle to become more toned and healthier and cause a richer blood supply to flow in the pelvic area. A richer blood flow means more nutrients reaching this area and less congestion and toxin buildup.

The bladder will also become stronger preventing incontinence. One of the uterine fibroids symptoms is the need for frequent urination and stronger bladder muscles will definitely help with this symptom.

All this means that your gynecological health will improve which results in curing fibroids naturally and reducing the risk of fibroid tumors developing.

When to Perform Kegel Exercises

Anywhere and anytime. No one will even know that you are kegeling. You can be seated at your desk at work, in your car at a stop sign, while bathing, while watching TV, at the movies, while waiting in line at the grocery store, etc. The question should be when can you not kegel?

The benefit of Kegel exercise on uterine fibroids is self evident so go ahead and start kegeling especially if you have fibroids. For more on the holistic approach to curing uterine fibroids, click here.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tips On How To Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Dealing with fibroids especially symptomatic uterine fibroids is no way to live a robust life. Is the pain, discomfort, heavy bleeding, and many other symptoms of uterine fibroids robbing you of a full and vibrant life? Well no more. Here are some tips on how to shrink fibroids naturally and prevent the recurrence of uterine fibroids. You can turn to conventional medicine but the surgeries, hormone therapy, medication, etc, will not get rid of fibroid tumors permanently. They are only a temporary fix.

How to Shrink Fibroids Naturally

1. Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

The first step to natural fibroid treatment is to align your mind, body and spirit. Creating and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing in these areas will promote healing and prevent fibroid development as well as many other diseases and conditions from arising in your body.

Are you dealing with negative thoughts, chronic stress, harbor unforgiveness, etc? All these and so many other negative issues going on in your mind and spirit can negatively impact your body and prevent healing. They can also actually increase your risk of developing various diseases and conditions including uterine fibroids. Unresolved emotional issues will hinder your quest to be free of fibroids.

2. Diet

Fibroid natural treatment requires that you start eating the various foods that will promote health and wellbeing which will help to defeat fibroid tumors naturally. Examining your diet also includes avoiding foods that contribute to fibroid development as well as the worsening of the various symptoms of uterine fibroids.

3. Supplements

There are various vitamins and minerals that can help to cure fibroids naturally. You need to know what these are if you are looking for tips on how to shrink fibroids naturally.

4. Exercise

Exercise is an important step for fibroid natural treatment. Exercise can help to create a healthy mind and body which is conducive for shrinking fibroids and preventing the recurrence of fibroid tumors.

5. Herbs

There are various herbs that can be used to shrink fibroids, alleviate symptoms and prevent an estrogen dominant state in the body from taking over and worsening fibroid tumors.

6. Alternative Healing

There are various forms of alternative medicine that can help to cure fibroids naturally such as Ayurveda, naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, etc.

For more on how to shrink fibroids naturally and prevent fibroid recurrence using natural methods only, the Fibroids Miracle guide is what you need for step by step guidance on the above natural methods and many more for your unique fibroid situation. Click here for a review of this holistic guide.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 Best Herbs To Take To Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat many diseases and conditions and promote general health and wellbeing so it comes as no surprise that there are many that are recommended for the natural treatment of fibroids. Herbs are less taxing on the body than using pharmaceuticals but they are still considered some type of medication so caution should be exercised.  You should always seek guidance from a knowledgeable health care practitioner especially when using a combination of herbs to shrink the fibroid tumors. With that in mind, here are the 3 best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally.

Best Herbs To Shrink Fibroids

1. Chaste berry also known as vitex, chaste tea berry, etc

This is one of the best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally. It is also probably the most commonly used but it usually works the best when the fibroid tumors are small in size. If you have very large fibroids, the herb may be ineffective which is why you should not wait before you start treating uterine fibroids even when there are no symptoms or other issues.
If you have subserous or intramural fibroids, chaste berry works best.
  • Subserous (subserosal) fibroid tumors are probably the most common type of uterine fibroids and are found on the outside of the uterus. These are the tumors that usually lead to an increase in the size of the uterus causing you to look pregnant. As they grow bigger, they can press upon the rectum and bladder causing constipation or problems urinating.
  • Intramural fibroid tumors are those that grow within the muscular walls of the uterus. These tumors can cause heavy bleeding if they are large in size as well as press upon the bladder and rectum like subserosal tumors. This all depends upon their location. They can also make look like your pregnant if they are large in size.
This herb works by helping to increase the levels of progesterone so that balance can be restored between estrogen and progesterone in the body and prevent an estrogen dominant state that is believed to speed up the growth of fibroids and increase symptoms. Chaste berry also has a very relaxing and calming effect on the body and emotion which also helps to control fibroid growth and the symptoms as opposed to being in a state of chronic stress and anxiety.
It is important to remember that while some research has shown that this herb is able to shrink tumors, other research has also shown that chasteberry can cause uterine cells to divide and is ineffective when birth control is used. Since it is impossible to tell how your body will react when you use herbs or any other treatment method, it is important to monitor your reaction  and symptoms when you start using herbs.

2. Maitake Mushroom D fraction

This herb has been shown to halt the growth of cells that occurs through cell division including fibroid cells and cancer cells which is why it is also one of the top 3 best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally.

3. Echinacea

Another popular herb is Echinacea that is used for various diseases and conditions and is also one of the best herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally. You can take it alone but it is especially effective when used along with red root (caeno thus) and fraxinus (white ash). These herbs also help to detoxify the body of disease causing toxins. They also decrease cell growth while increasing cell metabolism, support the functions of the liver and decrease pelvic congestion.
When using herbs, be sure that you get them from a reputable seller and that they are organically cultivated. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. When properly used, herbs can be quite safe and effective against a myriad of issues.

While these are the top 3 herbs to take to shrink fibroids naturally, there are many other herbs to shrink fibroids that can also be used. It is important to talk to your doctor first before using herbal medication especially if you are taking other medication, are pregnant or breast feeding. If symptoms persist for more than two weeks or worsen, consult a health care professional. For more on uterine fibroid natural treatment methods that have worked for many women with fibroids the Fibroids Miracle guide is what you need.