
What Causes Fibroids?

What causes fibroids? To date, the exact cause for fibroids remains unknown. What is known is that these fibroid tumors mainly occur in women of childbearing age with about a third of the cases occurring in women who are at least 35 years of age.

What is also known is that the growths are affected by the level of estrogen which is the female hormone which can explain why uterine fibroids rarely occur in pre-pubescent girls and tend to decrease in menopausal women.

To answer the question "what causes fibroids?" it is important to note that although the exact causes for fibroids remains unknown, there are certain factors that increase the risk of a woman developing this tumors.

Uterine Fibroid Development Risk Factors

1. Having a family history of uterine fibroids.

2. While women of all races are affected by uterine fibroids, it has been discovered that for unknown reasons, black women are at greater risk of developing these fibroid tumors than women of other races. In addition, it has also been observed that black women develop these tumors at younger ages than other races and the tumors are usually larger in black women.

3. As mentioned previously, women of at least 35 years of age make up about a third of the cases each year. Fibroids most commonly develop during the middle and late years of the childbearing years.

4. Being obese or overweight increases the risk.

5. If you have never carried and given birth to a child, your risk of developing these tumors is increased.

6. When the menstrual cycle starts prior to attaining the age of ten. When this happens, there is a chance that the tumors that develop may be cancerous.

To answer the question "what causes fibroids?" it is important to be aware of the risk factors that may lead to the development of these tumors and determine whether they apply to you.

Uterine Fibroids Locations

Depending on the location of uterine fibroids, this can affect the uterine fibroids symptoms that you will experience.

1. Subserosal Uterine Fibroids.
These fibroids usually develop in the uterine wall and then over a period of time travel outside the uterus. These are the fibroids that usually press against the bladder or the rectum causing problems urinating as well as constipation as determined above to be some of the uterine fibroids symptoms. These fibroids can also lead to backache another of the uterine fibroids symptoms when these tumors press against spinal nerves.

2.  Submucisal Uterine Fibroids
When uterine fibroids travel into the inner cavity of the uterus, they are believed to cause menstrual cycles that are not only heavy but last for many days (at least seven days) which were also discussed above as some of the uterine fibroids symptoms which can become a problem if you are trying to conceive.