
Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

While some women may not develop any symptoms of uterine fibroids, many other women will experience the following uterine fibroids symptoms.

Uterine Fibroids Symptoms


- When the fibroids extend into the uterus, the woman may experience a menstrual cycle with a heavy blood flow. This excessive blood flow will usually lead to anemia and debilitation. The woman may also experience menstrual cycles that are prolonged i.e. last more than 7 days.

- Pelvic pressure and pain which may result when the tumor becomes twisted which cause the blood supply to the fibroid to be cut off.

- When the tumors are enlarged, they may press upon organs such as the bladder and rectum leading to frequent urination and constipation respectively.

- Another of the uterine fibroids symptoms is fertility problems and other problems getting pregnant.

- Leg pains or experiencing backache is another of the uterine fibroids symptoms that some women experience.

- The tumors may press against the nerves leading to headaches.

- Experiencing dizzy spells or shortness of breath.

- Advanced fibroid tumors usually lead to an increase in the size of the abdomen.

You will need to see a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms of uterine fibroids that may include the above symptoms;

a. Pelvic pressure and pain that does not cease but is prolonged.

b. If you experience bleeding or spotting between menstrual cycles.

c. If sexual intercourse causes pain, this may be a sign of serious uterine fibroids symptoms.

d. Excessive blood flow during menstrual cycles. This bleeding may be so excessive as to soak up three tampons or pads per hour.

e. Constipation or trouble urinating are another of the serious uterine fibroids symptoms.

As mentioned previously, some women may not suffer from uterine fibroids symptoms. When this occurs, the fibroids are usually discovered during a pelvic exam.

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