
Conventional Treatment Methods

A lot of fibroids never cause any problems especially if they do not produce and uterine fibroids symptoms or if they remain small. In this case, treatment for the uterine fibroids is usually not considered necessary. With other problematic fibroids, hormonal medication or surgery may be recommended.

1. The first step with conventional treatment methods is a watch and see methods. The doctor usually monitors the fibroid tumors periodically to determine whether there is a change in the size and the properties of the tumors. In general, uterine fibroids cause no problems and seldom require treatment.

2. Various hormonal medications may be prescribed as the next treatment option. Medications such as birth control pills may be prescribed to help control blood flow especially if you are dealing with heavy blood flow related to the tumors.

3. For fibroids that produce mild symptoms, a myomectomy may be recommended which is a surgical procedure to remove the fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. With this surgery, fibroids may still recur in 12 to 64% of those that opt for this surgical procedure.

4. With more serious fibroids, a hysterectomy may be recommended. A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the entire uterus with the tumors included. Without a uterus, no fibroids can develop. While this surgical procedure gives permanent relief from fibroids, it results in the woman not being able to fall pregnant ever again. In some cases, this surgery may lead to early menopause.

5. Uterine artery embolization is another surgical procedure than may be used with fibroids with mild symptoms and involves the clotting of the blood supply to the tumor with the hopes of being able to shrink the tumors once the blood supply is blocked.