
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Taking Your Health In Your Own Hands When Uterine Fibroids Are An Issue

The benign tumors only become an issue when they produce related uterine fibroids symptoms such as pelvic pain and pressure, constipation, frequent urination, excessive bleeding or periods that last longer than usual, leg pains, etc. When faced with these symptoms, it is important not to panic and instead take your own health into your hands by getting as much information as you can on fibroids and various treatment methods.

Taking Control of Uterine Fibroids and Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

It is important to note as well that the tumors experienced by most women do not produce any uterine fibroids symptoms and because of this, they may go unnoticed. If you are troubled by the various symptoms, it is important to see your doctor for a diagnosis and to get a referral to an appropriate specialist.

An important part of overcoming fibroids is to not feel powerless or victimized. This will allow you to not only obtain the necessary information from the specialist you see but you will also be able to search for information elsewhere and decide the course of action that works best for you.

This independent research is important because you receive conflicting answers from doctors. Some may tell you to wait and just monitor the fibroids periodically for any changes. Others may want to take action immediately including recommending surgery. But since this is your body, you need to weigh the information and not rush into making any decision that you may regret later on.

While in the process of deciding on the best treatment option for you or no treatment at all, it is still important to monitor fibroids once a year to see whether there is any change in size or in the properties of the fibroids. Fibroids are usually monitored with an ultrasound. Fibroids usually grow very slowly and the larger they get, the more difficult they will be to remove.

Compare the growth of your fibroids or lack thereof with your doctor each year and determine whether there have been any changes from the prior year and how many you have and determine whether you need to have them removed or simply continue to monitor them.

If you suffer from various uterine fibroids symptoms, you may be able to get information from many sources on how to deal effectively with these symptoms. Surgery should always be a last option due to the expense as well as the associated risk factors. In addition, unless you decide to go ahead with a hysterectomy that removes the entire uterus, the fibroids may still return when other surgeries are performed.

There are many home remedies that you can use to deal with uterine fibroids symptoms and being proactive about dealing with fibroids will help you find various remedies and solutions that will help with fibroids.

Many treatments for fibroids are being discovered everyday so it is important to not just rely on your doctor for information. Do your own independent research on fibroids and uterine fibroids symptoms.  Doctors do have a lot of experience and knowledge but it is impossible for them to know every single medical development in treatments and procedures so you are better off being proactive about your condition.

In addition, while there are many good doctors there are also many bad doctors who may not take your symptoms seriously or suggest courses of action that may not be wise at the present time.

Take responsibility for your body. If you are experiencing various uterine fibroids symptoms, get as much information as you can on treatments. You never know, all you may need to do is make some lifestyle changes or use various fibroid natural treatment methods without resorting to surgery.